Schmuck 2012 – Hofmann e altri premi / Hofmann and other Awards

Schmuck 2012

Da sinistra, Wolfgang Lösche, Alexander Blank, Despo Sophocleous, Tore Svensson

italy Allora nessuno dei gioielli partecipanti all’Herbert Hofmann Preis  che avevo fotografato ha vinto! I vincitori che sono stati proclamati oggi pomeriggio alle 17.00 sono: Alexander Blank con Memento juniori per i suoi umoristici talismani, teschi riconoscibili del mondo dei cartoni animati.
united kingdom None of the pieces exhibited at the Herbert Hofmann Preis that I had photographed won! The winners were announced this afternoon at 5:00 p.m.; they are: Alexander Blank with Memento juniori for his humorous talismans that look like skulls from the familiar world of cartoons.

Alexander Blank

italy Despo Sophocleous con Change in direction 9 le collane instabili che danno l’idea di star sempre lì per crollare. Che propongono equilibrismi giocosi e acustici.
united kingdom Despo Sophocleus with Change in direction 9, the unstable necklaces that give the impression they are about to collapse, suggesting playful, acoustical balances.

Despo Sophocleous

italy Tore Svensson, per i suoi puri medaglioni a effetto ottico nero su nero in acciaio. Discreti depositari di ricordi.
united kingdom Tore Svensson for his black on black medallions of  steel that have an optical effect. They are discrete repositories of memory.

Tore Svensson

italy Il premio Talente per i giovani è andato alla svedese Märta Mattsson e quello della Baviera, Bayerischer Staatpreis alla fantastica norvegese Liv Blåvarp.
united kingdom The Talente Prize for young artists was awarded to Märta Mattsson from Sweden, and the prize awarded by Bavaria called Bayerischer Staatpreis, went to the fantastic Norwegian artist, Liv Blåvarp.

Märta Mattsson

Liv Blåvarp

Valeria Accornero

I am a journalist with a passion… in this online space I describe what I see and what I love about contemporary jewellery: its artists, the art works and the places. I share my personal notes, creating a sort of "newspaper" of what I recon is most worthy

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