Schmuck 2012 – Giochi di parole 2 / Word games 2


italy La seconda parola è Ädellab. Mistero. Che vuol dire, che non vuol dire. Magia, mica magia. Anche se andate du Google traduttore non c’è. Eh no, perché Ädellab indica il dipartimento di gioielli e metalli del Konstfack University College of Art di Stoccolma. E Ädellab è l’enigmatico titolo della mostra dedicata alla scuola e a chi ci ha studiato alla Die Neue Sammlung (fino al 29 aprile). Scuola di Stoccolma dall’animo open minded naturalmente e senza confini territoriali come lo sono i suoi studenti e i suoi professori. Alla guida dal 2004 al 2009 l’olandese Ruud Peters e oggi Karen Pontoppidan, danese, arrivata già nel 2006.
united kingdom The second word is Ädellab. Misterious. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn’t. Magic, then maybe not. You cannot even find it in Google Translator because Ädellab specifically refers to the department of jewellery and metals at the Konstfack University College of Art in Stockholm. Ädellab is also the enigmatic title given to the exhibit held until April 29th at Die Neue Sammlung  in Munich which is dedicated to the school and to all the students who have studied there. This College of Art in Stockholm has a naturally, open- minded soul and, like its students and professors it has no boundaries. Ruud Peters of Holland led the school from 2004 to 2009 and now Karen Pontopiddan of Denmark, who has been with the school since 2006, is in charge.

italy Molto bello l’allestimento della mostra che si sviluppa lungo la sala-corridoio laterale del museo con un reticolato di fil rouge che posiziona tutte le opere su un tracciato facendole confluire in un enorme nodo rosso sormontato da questa parola quasi da magico totem “Ädellab”.
united kingdom The exhibit is well laid out, and develops along the lateral hall-corridor of the museum with a grid serving as a “Fil Rouge”, guiding you along a path which ultimately converges on a huge red knot  surmounted by this word, Ädellab, which sort of brings to mind a magical totem.

italy Gli artisti partecipanti sono quaranta. Ne cito solo alcuni che conosco meglio Tobias Alm, Hanna Hedman, Agnes Larsson, Katrin Spranger, Hanna Joris, Bernhard Stimpfl-Abele.
united kingdom Of the forty artists who are participating in the exhibit, I will only mention those who I know best: Tobias Alm, Hanna Hedman, Agnes Larsson, Katrin Spranger, Hanna Joris, Bernhard Stimpfl-Abele.

italy Per la cronaca: quest’anno purtroppo niente mostra monografica dedicata a un celebre artista, come tutti gli anni dal 2006, che normalmente si sviluppa nella balconata superiore del museo. Avrebbe dovuto riguardare Robert Smit che per ragioni di salute non ha potuto dar seguito al progetto. Altro inconveniente di tipo pratico l’apparizione di crepe nel muro proprio nella zona della balconata che ha comportato un imprevisto cantiere di riparazione.

united kingdom On another note, this year it was not possible to organize a monographic exhibit in honour of a famous artist as has been the tradition since 2006.  This exhibit which usually appears on the upper balcony of the museum should have displayed the work of Robert Smit who unfortunately was not able to carry out the project because of health reasons.  Another inconvenience of a more practical type, was that some cracks unexpectedly appeared in the wall in the area near the balcony and it was necessary to arrange a construction site for repairs.

Valeria Accornero

I am a journalist with a passion… in this online space I describe what I see and what I love about contemporary jewellery: its artists, the art works and the places. I share my personal notes, creating a sort of "newspaper" of what I recon is most worthy

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