Schmuck 2013 – Invito in Villa / An Invitation to the Villa

Villa Stuck a Monaco

Villa Stuck a Monaco

italy Devo ammettere che ci ho messo un po’ a capire il filo conduttore della mostra Aftermath of art jewellery alla bella Villa Stuck. In sostanza si tratta di un progetto voluto dall’artista norvegese Sigurd Bronger che coinvolge quattro artisti norvegesi e quattro di Monaco. La mostra ha fatto tappa dapprima a Oslo a gennaio al museo Vigeland e poi ora qui a Monaco. Principalmente lo scopo era quello di mostrare artisti internazionali sulla piazza di Oslo, cosa cha quanto pare, accade di rado. L’occasione è anche riflettere e dare il via a un dibattito sul futuro del gioiello d’arte.
united kingdom I must admit that it took me a while to understand the idea of, Aftermath of Art Jewelry, at the Villa Stuck.  It is a project that the Norwegian artist Sigurd Bronger realized with four Norwegian artists and four artists from Munich. The exhibition started in Oslo in January at the Vigeland Museum and then moved to Munich. The main purpose was to present international artists to  the city of Oslo, something that seems to happen only rarely and also to provide an opportunity for reflection and dialogue about the future art jewelry.
Eun Mi Chun

Eun Mi Chun

italy Il museo-villa è molto imponente (di fine Ottocento) neoclassica ed appartenuta al pittore Franz von Stuck che l’ideata e arredata. Non ho potuto fotografare nulla all’interno del museo quindi l’unica foto possibile è la facciata della villa. Vi segnalo comunque fra gli artisti in mostra una coreana che abita a Monaco, Eun Mi Chun e che lavora con il tessuto intestinale (che sembra pergamena) e capelli creando dei bellissimi animali spille come il gorilla, l’orso, la giraffa e il leone.
united kingdom The 19th century villa/museum is very imposing. It was built in the neo-classic style and belonged to the painter Franz von Stuck who also created and furnished it.  I could not take any pictures inside the museum and so the only photo available is the façade of the villa. Among the artists exhibited here, I want to mention Eun Mi Chun, a Korean artist who lives in Munich who uses intestinal tissue (it looks like parchment) and hair for her work, creating beautiful broaches shaped like animals;  gorillas, bears, giraffes, and lions.
Eun Mi Chun

Eun Mi Chun

Valeria Accornero

I am a journalist with a passion… in this online space I describe what I see and what I love about contemporary jewellery: its artists, the art works and the places. I share my personal notes, creating a sort of "newspaper" of what I recon is most worthy

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