Schmuck 2013 – Ma hai guardato sulla cartina? / But Have You Seen the Map?

Sophie Hanagarth

italy A Monaco durante i giorni di Schmuck munitevi di una bella cartina grande e pennarelli colorati per segnare, con tanti pallini sparpagliati, i luoghi da visitare per mostre estemporanee in città.  A dire il vero ora esiste anche una “Schmuck Guide” bell’e pronta in vendita per l’occasione, molto comoda con i pallini già stampati nel punto giusto e un mini riassunto delle varie mostre. Io comunque continuo a studiare gli itinerari con Google Maps e a perdermi.
united kingdom While you’re at the Schmuck in Munich, make sure you have a big map and colored felt pens to mark the exhibitions you want to visit throughout the city. The alternative is the “Schmuck Guide”, prepared especially for the event which can be purchased. The map is covered in dots marking the various exhibit locations and several of the exhibits are even described here. There are really so many dots, it’s a pity you cannot cover them all. I however continue to study the itineraries with Google Maps and then get lost in the city.
Karl Fritsch

Karl Fritsch

Alexander Blank

Alexander Blank

italy Gli appuntamenti sono davvero tantissimi, peccato non poterli “coprire” tutti. Qui una carrellata di immagini prese durante questo pellegrinaggio “gioiellesco”.

Vedrete gli zirconi di Karl Fritsch in What I do for you; le spille di legno e colore di Flora Vági; ciò che tormenta il sonno di Alexander Blank; le catene di ferro di Sophie Hanagarth alla galleria Schlegelschmuck; i mondi di Five Men artisti cecoslovacchi che ti accolgono con simpatia e una birra; le campane di vetro che proteggono le opere di vari artisti internazionali che hanno partecipato all’iniziativa in Finlandia, LahtiJewellery.

united kingdom Appointments are really a lot, it’s a pity not to “cover” them all. Here you can see a series of shots taken during my pilgrimage through the jewelry.

There are the zircons of Karl Fritsch in, What I Do For You; the wooden colored broaches by Flora Vági; the characters that torment the dreams of Alexander Blank in the exhibit, Kings of My Blues; the iron chains by Sophie Hanagarth on display at the Schlegelschmuck gallery; the worlds of Five Men by Czech artists who warmly welcome you and offer you a  beer; the glass bells protecting the work of various international artists who have participated in the Finnish initiative Lahti Jewelry.

Flora Vagi

Flora Vagi

Jiri Sibor

Jiři Šibor uno dei Five Men con Pavel Filip, Rene Hora, Pavel Opocensky, Martin Pouzar



Valeria Accornero

I am a journalist with a passion… in this online space I describe what I see and what I love about contemporary jewellery: its artists, the art works and the places. I share my personal notes, creating a sort of "newspaper" of what I recon is most worthy

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Discussion about this post

  1. paola ricci says:

    divertente, soddisfacente e ben fatto-come sempre- il suo ‘ servizio’ su shmuck13, grazie!

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